
VOY 9th Annual Black Excellence College Tour Parent Informational Meeting #1

VOY's Impact Center 4625 44th Street, Sacramento

If you are interested in having your youth attend the upcoming SoCal and HBCU college tour, then come out to one of our informational meetings. We will provide tour details and the process that we will use to select our attendees.

VOY 9th Annual Black Excellence College Tour Parent Informational Meeting #2

VOY's Impact Center 4625 44th Street, Sacramento

If you are interested in having your youth attend the upcoming SoCal and HBCU college tour, then come out to one of our informational meetings. We will provide tour details and the process that we will use to select our attendees.

VOY 9th Annual Black Excellence College Tour

San Diego, CA California

We are proud to announce the first phase of our tour! We will be going back to social! Where the VOY College Tour first started.
